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The importance of feng shui home for a person's luck. How to choose a house / apartment with good feng shui. Feng shui entrance to the house.

Feng shui for the home and your luck. Entering the house according to feng shui. Choosing a house / apartment.

Feng Shui for a house, apartment or office is an ancient Chinese way of determining whether there is favourable Qi energy in the building. It influences the fate and luck of the people who are in the building. It is also one of the few ways to adjust your destiny. By using feng shui to choose a good place to live, you can "attract" good luck, money, happiness, and you can also reduce the risk of failure and difficulties. Living in a house with good feng shui and a favourable direction of the front door, you will receive positive energy that will help you in life.

What is the relation between feng shui and birth chart? If the birth chart shows that a person has a good destiny, then a house with good feng shui will reinforce this even more. If the birth chart shows that a person does not have a good destiny or is going through an unfavourable period in life, then living in a house with good feng shui, this person will receive good energy. And this in turn will reduce the level of negative energies in the birth chart, which will give the opportunity to improve life.

Page content:

  1. The influence of feng shui on a person's luck and life.
  2. How can feng shui help you choose a good apartment, house or office?
  3. A brief plan for choosing a house and flat according to feng shui. Basic rules.
  4. How can you find out the current favourability of the entrance to the house?

The influence of feng shui on a person's luck and life.

In ancient China, and in the East in general, the world was perceived as a whole, not divided into separate parts. The same applies to ancient Chinese knowledge of metaphysics and esotericism. Therefore, such knowledge as Feng Shui, Chinese astrology Ba Zi, traditional Chinese medicine, beliefs, predictions, choice of dates and directions, act in a complex to improve human life. They use common principles and methods. These can include teachings on: 1) Qi energy, 2) yin-yang, 3) Wu-hsing (5 elements), 4) cyclical change of energies, 5) the Chinese calendar, and more.

The sages of ancient China determined that a person is influenced by 3 types of luck. If they are used in a complex, it is possible to create maximum opportunities for the improvement of human life. There are such types of human luck (arranged in the order of their importance and strength of influence):

  1. Celestial luck. We receive it at the moment of our birth. The birth chart is analysed and deciphered by the Chinese astrology Ba Zi. We can say that it is a description of our life and destiny. We cannot change the date of our birth, so we have few opportunities to change this type of luck. But there are still opportunities to adjust fate. The first way to improve your destiny is to create and decipher your birth chart. With this information, you can act more consciously and know what awaits you in the future.
  2. Earth luck. It is an important and affordable way to adjust and improve your destiny. What is this type of luck? It is the Qi energies that affect a person's home. These energies are transmitted to those who live or are in that house (flat, office, etc.).
    The logic here is simple. You need to choose a house with good feng shui and favourable house entrance to improve your life and luck. Accordingly, if you will be in a house with bad feng shui, you will be affected by unfavourable energies, which in turn will lead to the deterioration of your life. These energies will affect all the people who are in the house. But the result of the effect can be different. It depends on what kind of birth chart a person has. For example, if a person has a good destiny according to the birth chart, then the unfavourable energies will be less harmful, though they will reduce the luck. Therefore, the best and correct option is to choose a house or flat with good feng shui.
  3. The third kind of luck. This is the kind of luck that depends on a person's actions. This includes your activity, aspirations, diligence, gaining knowledge, etc. According to the beliefs of the ancient sages of China, this type of luck has the least power, compared to the previous ones. But still, if you are inactive, it will be difficult for you to achieve success.
As we can see, the method of comprehensiveness is also present here. Try to use all available ways to improve your life.

Feng shui has become a popular topic lately. Some people may believe in it and others may not. That's everyone's right. But, feng shui are forces of nature and they will have an impact whether we believe in it or not. Qi energy affects the building and the people who are in the building. Positive or negative energy enters through the front door. Once it enters the house, this energy affects the occupants of the house. It will affect the people who live in the house either favourably or unfavourably. Therefore, it is important to know about it and choose the right house to live in.

Feng Shui originated before Christ in China and has survived to this day. It is logical to assume that there is some rational grain in it if it has been used for so long. In the 20th century there appeared the so-called "popular feng shui" (simplified), which is very different from the original teachings of feng shui. Simplified feng shui has certain useful things, but it is not classical feng shui.

There could be a situation like this. A person was doing well in business and in his personal life. He earned enough money and bought a new comfortable flat. And after that he started to have various troubles in his life. It is very likely that the feng shui of the new house is not so good or even bad, compared to the feng shui of the previous house.
Second example. A small firm moved to a new office, which turned out to be good according to the rules of feng shui. After that, the financial situation of the firm improved significantly.
And this is not a random situation, but the influence of feng shui energies, which have a favourable or unfavourable effect on a person. Feng shui energies influence you even if you do not believe in it. They are forces of nature. They will have an effect whether you believe in them or not.

Knowing the rules of feng shui or consulting an expert, you can use such energies to improve your life. For this purpose, a feng shui master can analyse your house (flat, office) or help you to choose the right property. It is better to order such a consultation before buying or renting a property. If the house or flat has already been bought, it is desirable to analyse it as well. True in this case, if the feng shui of the house turned out to be unfavourable, little can be changed.

How can feng shui help you choose a good apartment, house or office?

Feng Shui for a house or flat is a set of ancient Chinese rules for choosing a place to live that has favourable Qi energies. These energies in turn have a favourable effect on the lives of the people who live or stay in the house. If you intuitively or with the help of a consultant, chose a house or apartment with good feng shui, you will enjoy living in such a house, and will be able to "attract" good luck and adjust your fate.

Choosing a house or flat using feng shui is a complex process that involves the use of a certain algorithm. To do this, it is necessary to have a plan of analysis. First of all, we analyse what has the greatest influence on the auspiciousness of the house. It is the same 80/20 principle. 20% of effort gives 80% of the result and vice versa. If we first analyse the house on the most important points, we will get maximum information. If we start with the less important ones, we will spend more time with less efficiency.

If you order the services of a feng shui consultant to analyse your house or to choose a house (flat) according to the rules of feng shui, you should have an initial knowledge in this field. Therefore, I recommend you to read the articles on this website or on other websites.

Do you live in your own house or flat? Originally feng shui was used for private houses. Is there a difference for an apartment building (flat)? What are the differences?

In ancient China, when feng shui emerged (more than 3 thousand years ago), there were no multi-storey houses. All the rules of choosing and building a house applied to private houses. But now the reality is that a lot of people live in cities and megacities. Therefore, in most cases, these rules apply to high-rise buildings as well, but in some cases with small refinements. The main difference is how the entrance to the house is defined. For a flat in a high-rise building, we do not analyse the entrance to the flat, but the entrance to the building. Provided the flat does not have a separate entrance.

There is a lot of information on the topic of feng shui house location. Usually, when choosing a house or flat with good feng shui, attention is paid to such things:

  1. What surrounds the house? How are the roads and rivers located in relation to the house? What is located near the house? Are there no objects that carry bad energy?
  2. What is the auspiciousness of the entrance to the house? Analysing the compass direction of the entrance to the house.
  3. Where is the house located?
  4. What is the layout of the flat or house? Choosing a floor according to feng shui.
  5. What are your feelings about the house and the place? A person with good intuition can make the right choice even without knowing the rules of feng shui. Pay attention to your feelings when choosing a house or flat.

The compass direction of the front door is one of the most important parameters when choosing a home with good feng shui. In many ancient Chinese teachings, everything is related to Qi energy. The house receives this energy through the front door (most of it). Some more of it can enter the house through the windows. Therefore, we need to strive to ensure that this energy comes in plenty and of good quality. According to this parameter feng shui expert can determine what ratio of favourable and unfavourable years will be for a particular house. You can also find out how favourable the year will be for the inhabitants of the house. From this we can conclude that the better feng shui, the greater the number of favourable years.

Favourable Qi energy is attracted by: water (river, lake, sea, but not swamp), green spaces (forest, park, greenery around the house, etc.), quiet roads, schools and other. When choosing the location of the flat according to feng shui, more analyses of such objects are added: bridges, overpasses, intersections, factories (air purity), traffic intensity, noise, etc.

If the house is located in places with bad energy (near a cemetery, factory, expressway, etc.), the same energy will enter the house and the same energy will be received by the occupants of the house. The quality of incoming energy will determine the favourability in the house, office.

A brief plan for choosing a house and flat according to feng shui. Basic rules.

Some of the items in this plan you can do on your own without consulting a consultant. You may need to read some articles that describe the principles and rules of feng shui. If you do not want to understand it yourself, you can order a consultation.

The favourability of a house or flat depends on the Qi energy that comes into the house. Therefore, it is necessary to choose such houses where this energy is the best and in sufficient quantity.

The location and surroundings of the house that are conducive to good feng shui.

This is the first and most important step in the analysis. If there is little Qi energy near the house and/or it is of poor quality, it is difficult to change anything. Therefore, it is better not to choose such houses to live in.

There is more good Qi energy in some places and less in others. Or it is of poor quality at all. You can identify such places even without knowing the rules of feng shui. If it feels good to be in a place, it is very likely that it is a good energy place. You can define good places as follows: the area is "pleasing to the eye", water is close by (lake, river, but not a swamp), a quiet road passes near the house, there is a lot of vegetation, there are no cemeteries, factories, hospitals, etc. nearby.

When choosing a house or flat with good feng shui, it is necessary that their location follows certain rules:

  1. There should be an elevated area (mountain, forest, another house, etc.) behind the house.
  2. The sides of the house should also be protected, but with smaller elevations.
  3. There should be an open space in front of the front door where Qi energy will accumulate. It is also good to have a smooth and quiet river or road on the side of the entrance to the house. The open space in front of the house entrance should be at least the height of the house.

This corresponds to the 4 animals: the Green Dragon, the White Tiger, the Black Turtle and the Red Phoenix.

If you look at houses in cities, the last rule is very often not followed. Often the road runs behind the house. But if there is an open space in front of the front door and the house is separated from the road by dense vegetation, this is much better.

Unfavourable location of the house. If these objects are located near the house:

  • Hospital, clinic.
  • A cemetery. There's a lot of Yin energy in such places. And for an active life, we need Yang energy.
  • Casinos and nightclubs. These places create a lot of activity at night.
  • Prison. This is also a place of concentration of negative emotions and limitation of human freedom.
  • Industrial plants. This is a place of great accumulation of mechanical devices, the likelihood of noise or dirty air, etc.
  • Any other establishment that by its function is not consistent with a healthy and happy life.
  • If there is a major road with active traffic behind the house.

A good influence on the house is made by such objects:

  • Parks and squares. Being close to nature a person gains strength and relaxes.
  • Beauty salons and other health-improving procedures.
  • Sports complexes, fitness centres, swimming pools. These are places where healthy and active people come to keep their bodies in good shape.
  • Children's centres, school. Children generate a lot of positive energy.
  • Creative studios (art, music, dance, etc.).
  • And other places, coming to which people get pleasure, care, good emotions, engaged in their development.
  • If behind the house there is an increase in relief, other houses and no road with a lot of traffic.

There are also certain rules for the placement of the house according to the rules of feng shui in relation to roads, crossroads, bridges, etc. For example, one of the feng shui recommendations for a favourable location of the house says that the road should gently curve around the house and the house should be located on the inner side of the curve. Other feng shui rules for a good location of the house in relation to the road: 1) it is unfavourable when the road is directly facing the house; 2) bifurcation of the road in front of the house.


How can you find out the current favourability of the entrance to the house?

For each house we can determine the compass direction of the front door. Based on this we can know the sign of the front door. In feng shui there are 24 sectors, which are formed by dividing 360 degrees into 15 degree sectors. Each of the 24 sectors has its own sign. Accordingly, the direction of the front door can fall into one of the sectors and will have its own sign.

Every year there is a change of signs (energies) according to the Chinese calendar. Using feng shui formulas, we can compare the sign of the year and the sign of the front door. If their interaction is positive, then this year favourable energy enters the house. And vice versa.

You may ask, "Does it matter what sector the door is in if its favourability can change every year?"

Yes and no. The right thing here is that every year the energies for a certain sector change. But not necessarily, for example, if 2023 is unfavourable, then 2024 will also be unfavourable.

Knowing what favourable energies are for the entrance to the house in the current year, we will know what to expect from this year, what we can do and what we cannot do. For example, if this year there are unfavourable energies for the entrance to the house, then this year it is better not to make repairs in the house. If you have a private house and there are two entrances to the house, you can choose which door to use depending on which entrance is more favourable.

There are 3 categories of house entry, depending on the ratio of the number of favourable and unfavourable years:

  1. when there are fewer favourable years than unfavourable years;
  2. when favourable and unfavourable years are equal in number;
  3. when there are more favourable years than unfavourable ones. Homes in this category will be the best.

Is the entrance to a house favourable or unfavourable? What does it affect?

A favourable entrance to the house:

  1. You will be favoured with good fortune in various matters. Both for people and for companies/firms.
  2. You can expect help from different people.
  3. If you are facing problems, you will be able to solve them more easily.
  4. You can do renovations in the house.
  5. Your financial situation may improve.
  6. For people who have health problems, it is favourable to be in such houses.
  7. Such houses are pleasant to be in and live in.

Unfavourable entrance to the house, flat, office:

  1. You may experience difficulties in business.
  2. Financial problems, business losses.
  3. Breakdowns in the house.
  4. Unplanned spending of money.
  5. People who are in this house can deteriorate in health. You may be misdiagnosed or given the wrong treatment.
  6. It will be difficult for you to get help from someone.
  7. If you do not make repairs, do not make noise, do not show strong activity, the harm will be less.
  8. You will not feel comfortable in houses with unfavourable entry.
If you want to know if the entrance to your home is auspicious, seek advice from a feng shui master.
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